Sustainability is the act of living while keeping future generations in mind and the ecological balance at a constant level. However, we lost track of it as the world progressed. Today, our oceans are full of plastic, our lungs full of micro plastics and our sights full of grey skies, taken over by climate change. Cigarette butts are the most commonly found trash in the world. The United Nations says we barely recycle ten percent of our plastic waste. If we don’t change our course now, there may be no coming back, no world remaining and may be no great great great grand kinds.
Sustainable living is our only choice of path going forward. We can do so by reducing, refusing and reusing. We can question our needs and consciously meet them. We can start by saving water, not wasting food and avoiding vehicles that have high emissions. We can also carry our own water bottles, reusable cutlery and coffee mugs. We can level it up by carrying our own containers for taking out leftover food, a steel straw for sipping our favorite beverages and washable napkins. We can switch to recycled paper postcards, newspaper pencils and plantable pens. In terms of menstrual hygiene we can switch to the cup, disc or washable pads and panties. We can travel sustainably by carrying our own toiletries, towels and totes. We an switch to plastic free skin care, bamboo toothbrushes and tooth powders. Various products made from upcycled bio waste are a great idea too.

Sustainability in Goa
Goa has been a popular travel destination for years. Travel has often brought in disposables to make it light weight and therefore a ton of trash. Now, beach clean ups and other plogging events need to be resorted to clean those up. To avoid being dependent on such events in the future, it is very important for this touristy state to Go-green.
In the local community, there has been a push towards composting by Come Post Ville, shopping local through farmers markets by People For Panjim Parks and recycling segregated waste by Ayya Waste Management.
On the other hand, there has been some progress for all kinds of consumers. Zest vegan restaurant in Goa here only serve RO water and refuse to have bottled water. Starbucks in Goa like anywhere else give you a discount when you bring your own coffee mug instead of using the disposable take out cup. Caramel by Neela, Damn Good Momos, The Brownie Club and Mr Baker 1992 in Goa allow me to order in my containers or provide me with containers, I can wash and return.
These days stays also go-green in Goa. Hostels are itself a great way to travel sustainably as you share the resources in the room. U R D KI, a Eco-friendly hostel in Goa is located in the heart of Anjuna and a stones throw away from a lot of must do spots. They serve coffee in in house cups made of glass, has ready home made iced teas and milkshakes in glass bottles which are later reused and has reusable water bottles. They also provide bamboo toothbrushes if required, reuses comic book pages for retro décor and upcycled poster rolls for lamp fixtures. They segregate their waste, have a water filter and reuses carboard boxes as trash cans. This sustainable hostel in GOA goes beyond and caters to the issue of the most trashed item. They have cushions made of upcycled cigarette butts.
Why you should opt sustainability
Sustainability is the way out to leave behind a if not better, a descent world for lives to come. On your next trip, choose like the eco-friendly hostel in Goa and backpack light but with reusables. This will help you leave a lower carbon footprint. Take to composting once you’re back home and this will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It will help trash mountains from turning into islands. You will also be an inspiration for another someone.
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