Matcha Warabi Mochi Recipe

Matcha Warabi Mochi is a traditional Japanese sweet great for summer. This is a favourite of mine as well as of Emperor Daigo! After all it does have the currently trending purest form of green tea – Matcha in it.

I discovered the Matcha Warabi Mochi along with Matcha at Sushi ro, a conveyor belt sushi restaurant in Kitakyushu, Japan during my life in Japan and not on my first trip to Japan. Eventually I found myself heading there every week to satisfy my sushi, Matcha and Matcha Warabi Mochi cravings. Although some of the best ones I have had have been on the street leading to Kiyomizudera in Kyoto.

The last time I went to Japan was on a business trip in 2019 and ever since then I have missed my favourite Matcha Warabi Mochi. Thanks to Tea trunk, who were some of the first ones to bring Matcha into India, asking me to take over their Instagram handle, I started to look up what typically Japanese could I share with the world. As I searched for wagashis, all the memories of my favourite Matcha Warabi Mochi came gushing back and I knew it had to be tried here. Little did I know, it was that simple to make it and I landed up made made three times last week. With time, it just got better and I could feel like I was in Japan while sitting at my home in India.

What is Matcha Warabi Mochi?

Matcha Warabi Mochi is a matcha flavoured wagashi, a traditional Japanese confection. The mochi here is different from the regular one which is made from glutinous rice. Warabi actually means bracken which is the main ingredient. When this starch is heated with water, it becomes a sticky jelly like thing. However, due to the cost and availability it’s often made from other starches. Usually one can find Matcha Warabi Mochi on old streets near popular temples and at typical festivals.

How to make Matcha Warabi Mochi using root powder?

Matcha Warabi Mochi is very easy to make using most root powders. As it is easy to find arrow root powder in India, I recommend it as the main ingredient. Apart from that you just need three ingredients to make this simple confectionery. You can decide if you’d like it 100% in Matcha or just the outer coating. It takes about 40 minutes to prepare it.



  • Cast iron skillet
  • Tea strainer
  • Spatula
  • Stove
  • Plate


  • Dust the plate with Matcha.
  • Mix arrow root powder, sugar and water in the cast iron skillet. Add matcha only if you want.
  • On a low flame, keep stirring this mixture until it becomes pasty – not liquid nor dry.
  • Pour this shiny mixture on to the matcha dusted plate and dust it with more matcha.
  • Cover this plate and leave it in the fridge until it cools.
  • Cut this jelly textured mix into cubes and dust it with more matcha

Can I use ceremonial matcha instead of culinary matcha?

Yes you can use ceremonial matcha instead of culinary matcha. In fact, If you’re new to the Matcha world and trying to make this dessert, it would be okay to start out with whatever you have available. Although culinary matcha would be the best.

Where can I buy culinary Matcha in India?

You can buy the culinary Matcha on Teatrunk who were some of the first ones to bring Matcha into India.

Can I use a non stick pan instead of a cast iron skillet?

Yes, you can use a non stick pan instead of a cast iron skillet. However, I prefer the cast iron skillet as it retains the heat and therefore the mixture stays warm longer. This lets the texture remain consistent until all of it is poured out.

For a matcha postcard check out the year end postcards of Japan. BRB, my Matcha Warabi Mochi has just cooled. I hope you enjoy this traditional wagashi and let me know your thoughts in the comments below.


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